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Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers

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Imagine Star Wars meeting a Spaghetti Western, then add a healthy dose of sword-and-sorcery fantasy, with just a dash of cyberpunk, and you have the basic idea and "look" of the universe. The Star Wars influence is hardly surprising, as Brian Daley, the author of several Han Solo novels and Star Wars radio plays, was a mastermind behind this cartoon. Sadly, it only lasted a season, but what a trip it was. I'd eagerly watch if this was translated into a one-hour live-action series.

The Galaxy Rangers are actually the Series 5 Rangers, recipients of an experimental implant (activated by touching the badge on their uniform) that activates (or enhances) certain special abilities.

The Rangers often operate as a leaderless team, but their field captain is Zachary Foxx. Zachary (or "Zach") has a score to settle with one of the program's major villains (she captured Zach's wife, and holds her neural energy hostage). The other Rangers include Niko, a psychic raised on a mysterious world named Xanadau, Walter "Doc" Hartford, a genius computer hack fond of outdated slang, and Shane "Goose" Gooseman, who was born as the result of genetic experiments, and raised to be a killing machine (a "Supertrooper"), but backed off from that destiny and joined the Rangers while the other Supertroopers turned outlaw.

This cartoon is notable for its Japanese-style animation (From Toyko Movie Shinsa, the animation house that drew the early seasons of Batman: The Animated Series, and Bionic 6), its solid characterization, and the touchy bioethics questions raised in the course of the series, in addition to the subtle "high tech versus low tech" debate raised in most of the episodes.

UPDATE: Since negotiations between Robert Mandell and Hearst Entertainment over DVD releases have hit a standstill, Mandell is now in negotiations with Cartoon Network about releasing the Rangers on their spin-off "Boomerang" network. Addresses HERE. Frequent updates on the status of the Rangers can be found at http://www.betamountain.org

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Zachary Foxx and Family
Click on the Foxx family to gather information.

Zach's anniversary gift didn't go as planned... Click on the Psychocrypt to get info on how to get those Rangers out of there!

  • the CryptThe Psychocrypt - Downloads, downloads, downloads. MIDI's, Text-only versions of the character guide, and more to come.

    to the other Rangers

    I'm not the only Ranger out on the Internet. This link directs you to other Rangers and their archives of pictures, WAV's, more fanfic, and other goodies.

    Supplemental reading - educate yourself!

    Curious? Saw something in the fanfic or the show that you want to investigate further? Okay, follow the hypertext and educate yourself!

    Bring GR back to the Air! Cybert00n revival campaign